
Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gabriel Moreno

Walt: Make a Piece of Art Using the Gabriel Moreno's style

In Totara class we have been making Gabriel Moreno Style art in class, 
we finished making these about 3 weeks ago and they look better than i thought they would because when we were looking at the art that was make in this style it didn't look the best but the outcome looked much better than the images we saw,

The style for Gabriel Moreno is black and white patterned backgrounds, and they backgrounds in my opinion looks VERY COOL!
it took us about 2-3 weeks to get these finished  

Writing Purpose

Walt: Decide on our purpose for writing

My Purpose for Writing is to Entertain my Audience 


Planning- Batman orders a coffee but its to cold and a donut which is too hot and he becomes sad Batman 
Enters dunkin,
Orders coffee,
Turn looks for a seat,
Sit down,
To hot,
To cold,
Just right.

(Enters Shop)
After a long day from beating up the naughty Joker, Batman felt sad, he hadn’t eaten a donut since his parents died. 

(Orders coffee and donut)
So he went and got one but after he ordered his donuts, he felt very sad because his coffee was cold and his donuts felt like they had just been vomited out by a lord all mighty volcano, so he went back up to the counter to ask for a new coffee or a refund because it was cold and he hoped that his scorching hot donut would cool down while he ordered and waited for his coffee.

Batman waits… and he waits but nobody comes to give him his coffee, sooooo…. He reaches over the counter ands gets a full refund of his coffee and the donut, after batman commits a petty theft he leaves and goes to captain donut.

While at captain donut he’s notices that there only one table that isn't covered in grime, so he went and sat down at the table while he thought about what he’d eat, he decided to just get a normal donut and latte so he went up And ordered his food and went to sit down once he got it.

After he sat down and had a sip of his coffee his tongue felt like it was on fire, and when he grabbed his donut it was really soggy so he didn’t eat it and left the shop with the coffee hoping it would cool down by the time he gets to Dunkin’ donuts.

When he arrives at dunkin donuts he notices it’s in much better condition than the other places it’s clean and has people in the store so batman goes in and orders the same thing as before, coffee and a donut and when he sits down to drink the coffee it’s not too hot and not too cold it’s just right and when he eats the donut it’s not soggy and not extremely hot like it was just made it was the perfect donut! He wastes no time eating the donut, after he’s done eating he heads back to his batmobile and heads back to the bat cave and goes to sleep even though bats are nocturnal. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Learning Rugby League

Walt: Revise and Create a Quality Blog Post about League

About every week on a Wednesday Totara Class have been going to League, League is where we are taught how to pass a ball correctly and other stuff, we were taught the rules and who does what.

What we did while training
We would practice how to throw the ball backwards while running, and once we practised throwing the ball while other people ran and did the same thing. we couldn't drop the ball or else we would have to do it again and we couldn't throw the ball forwards either so if someone did drop the ball and we didn't have to do it again the person who was going to get the ball next would just have to wait, some people (cough me) would just pretend to keep running.

Any questions?

Even after the Training I'm still not the best at playing league, if you have any tips on who does what? like what station does what.