
Thursday, September 19, 2019

Being Safe from Online Phishing

WALT: Being aware of phishing hooks and scams

Today we learnt about what is safe and what isn't, one way to tell if a website is safe is if the URL isn't a bunch of random letters and numbers and if it starts with https:// and has a green security lock.

The way we did this was by getting some images of websites and emails some being legit and some being scams, it was pretty easy all we had to do was look for the green secure lock meaning it was safe and if it was an email look for bad grammar and punctuation along with, "Give me your full bank details and receive a million dollars!!!" which would help indicate it was a scam.

The work we did was pretty easy and will probably help with anything I do online.

-Did my blog make sense?,
-Did you like/enjoy reading my blog post?,
and did my blog post make sense?

Thursday, September 5, 2019

What is Netiquette?

WALT: Learn and explain what netiquette is,

Today in cyber smart with whaea Donna we were learning about Netiquette, what is netiquette you may ask? netiquette is the behaviour you should have online when talking to people, the image attached to this is the poster I made explaining when netiquette isn't really needed and when it is needed! 

please comment on my post!
if you have any more questions about netiquette ask me and I'll try respond to you!

Monday, August 26, 2019

Abstract charcoal

This is my abstract charcoal drawing I drew it in pencil then went over it in charcoal, I accidentally smudged it in the top right corner and that's why it looks like that, :-(

I spent a week making this spending most of my time fixing errors I made like in the top right corner, what is did first was draw the thing in the middle as my area to work around then i started drawing the boxes in the top right corner, after I did those i started drawing the everything else on the sides leaving a little gap between everything!

Let me know in the comments what you think about my artwork and if you have any suggestions on how I could've improved on my artwork.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Tessellation Art

This is my Tessellation art work I spent about 4 days drawing this and fixing all the mistakes, sorry the image doesn't fit properly this is the best image I could take.

The image is black and white because making art like this is my favorite kind of art to do it's easy and fun to do! I do recommend doing this in your spare time, the way you do it is by getting some card and cutting out some shapes and moving them up from where you cut it out and try your best to make it as even as possible, then you gets some A4 paper and put the card on the paper and trace around it! It's okay if the card goes off the page a bit  l(ike mine did) as long as you have fun!!

Let me know in the comments what you think about my art

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

King Midas Animation

Walt: make an animation about a story
(sorry for how slow it is at times) This is my animation that i made in google slides, It took me about 3 days to make and I'm happy with the outcome!

everything in the animation I drew myself (that's why it so good) the only thing that I didn't draw was king midas and the gold coins because the coins would be too hard.

This animation is about the greek mythology of king midas who wishes to turn everything he touches into gold and when he gets his wish granted he regrets almost instantly because he ends up turning his daughter to gold, he begs for the curse to be removed and thankfully it does get removed and his daughter is turned back to normal.

Friday, August 9, 2019

Chocolate touch writing

The C̶h̶e̶e̶s̶e̶ Chocolate Touch
(total word count: 1078)
Walt: Write about the chocolate touch.

Plot- kid find chocolate down side of couch,
Kid eats the chocolate,
Kid gets the chocolate touch but doesn’t realise until he goes to eat and it turns to chocolate,
Nice gourmet chocolate,

Characters- Mum/dad ross, Bob ross, police, medical staff, tr0llz, 

He looked at it for a bit to see if what he saw was really there and it was, unopened couch chocolate so he ripped open the bar not thinking twice about how long the chocolate was there or who it belonged to, he just devoured the bar. It tasted tremendous like nothing he had before it tasted gourmet, infact better than gourmet it tasted magical!

He got up to throw the wrapper in the trash but as he threw it in the trash he noticed it had turned into chocolate so he stared at it for a bit before taking a bite and it tasting like magic just like the chocolate bar, he started to think about how maybe the bar was indeed might be magic after all! So he went and grabbed an apple and it did in fact turn to chocolate  so he took a big bite out of it and it tasted like chocolate with a rich apple filling, Bob Ross was so happy to have this power, but at the same time he was scared of the power because he knew unless he could find a way to control the power it could get out of hand and he could end up turning someone to chocolate, just as he thought that mum ross came out and gave him a hug for getting a A+ on his history test, but before he could stop her it was too late she had hugged him and turned to chocolate, bob ross was very sad he fell to the ground and cried for 2 hours.

After he had calmed down he called dad ross and told him everything, how he ate a chocolate bar and it gave him magic powers and anything that touches him or he touches turns to chocolate and what happened to mum ross. Dad ross came rushing home to see what happened to Mum ross, when he got home there was chocolate furniture everywhere! Bob ross in his state of depression after seeing his mum turn to chocolate had turned almost all the furniture into chocolate.

Dad ross said to Bob ross, “keep calm and try not to touch anything else!” so bob ross did that he stayed calm and didn’t touch anything else while Dad ross was calling authorities to come see if there was anything they could do to turn Mum ross back to normal, and while the police and medical staff came to aid mom ross, dad ross was asking bob ross for the full story.

(bob ross explains the full story), Dad ross is scared of what happened to his son and he starts to panic not knowing if he could ‘cure’ this disease to turn bob ross back to painter bob ross, (has nothing to do with the painter bob ross from 1961-1981 I promise wink wink), when the paramedics and police arrived dad ross was happy as could be when they said that they might be able to turn mum ross back to normal, so the paramedics took mum ross with them to try to make her not chocolate and while the police questioned bob ross to try to understand what happened and when bob ross said, “I found the chocolate under the couch cushion”, the police started searching the couch for anymore chocolate and what they found was a homeless troll living under the couch cushion and would swap any items that fell down the cushions with chocolate.

The troll got up and ran, he ran faster than usain bolt, in fact he ran faster than the speed of sound and run into the distance not to be seen again, so the police searched the couch for more trolls but didn't find any and just to be safe they blew up the couch, the couch blew up into a million little pieces it was a beautiful sight to see all the little pieces flying everywhere so on fire, some burnt to a crisp mid air but it was a sight to see.

Bob ross went back inside sad that his couch had been blown up, along with his phone but he didn’t mind he just hoped that maybe the chocolate touch was gone, he thought, “Maybe it was the couch that gave it the magic or maybe even the troll”, but that didn’t matter he didn’t care what held the magic he just wanted this curse gone forever,

He grabbed an apple expecting it to turn to chocolate again, but it didn’t it was a normal apple nothing magical has happened to it, it was just a plain old apple he ran and told his dad the news, dad ross was so happy that bob ross the chocolate touch kid was back to Bob ross the painter, (has nothing to do with the painter bob ross from 1961-1981 I swear wink wink) dad ross said, “Maybe mum ross has turned back to normal”, so dad ross rang the A&E and ask if mum ross was okay or if she was still chocolate, the person on the other end replied by saying, “Yes mum ross is fine but she will be staying at a hospital for the night to monitor her and see if anything else happens,'' dad ross and bob ross were ecstatic to hear the news, they had never been happier.

That night bob ross went to sleep with ease knowing that his mum was okay and that he no longer had the chocolate touch! In the morning bob ross woke up bright and early (7o’clock to be exact), and went to wake up dad ross so they could go get mum ross and bring her home, because bob ross was missing out on mum rosses Sunday pancakes. 

They went and picked up mum ross who was also awake waiting to go home, when they arrived home the first thing mum ross did was start making the Sunday pancakes right away, mum ross really didn’t like the hospital food she said it tasted like cardboard, Mum,Dad and bob ross were all sitting at the table eating the Sunday pancakes enjoying every bite!


Monday, August 5, 2019

Charcoal Hammer Drawing

Charcoal Hammer

The style I used here is a style by Jim Dine using pencil for the outline of the hammer and the textures on the hammer, after I used pencil i went over the outline in charcoal to make a thick black outline.

Then I started to draw lines across the outside of the hammer with charcoal, I Then smudged the lines to make what you see on the outside! It was actually quite fun to do but did make my hand hurt after a bit.

How not to get copyrighted!

WALT: Plan a Screencastify

This term in cyber-smart we have been learning about copyright and hoe to properly credit someone if need be,

there are 4 ways to not get copyrighted by people,

- one way is to make the image yourself i.e by drawing it or using copyright free tools to create one.

- another one is use google explore on your document (tools>explore>then search, another way is look in the bottom right corner of your document and there should be a little box with a star in it you can also do ctrl>alt>shift>i).

- ask the creator for permission and pay if need be.

-and lastly go onto google search, type what you want, go to images and click tools then usage rights and change to labeled for reuse and all the images that come up you can freely use as long as you don't profit off the image or make the creator look bad in anyway.

In my document I made my own images (the first one and the last one) and used explore for the second one :D

Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Gabriel Moreno

Walt: Make a Piece of Art Using the Gabriel Moreno's style

In Totara class we have been making Gabriel Moreno Style art in class, 
we finished making these about 3 weeks ago and they look better than i thought they would because when we were looking at the art that was make in this style it didn't look the best but the outcome looked much better than the images we saw,

The style for Gabriel Moreno is black and white patterned backgrounds, and they backgrounds in my opinion looks VERY COOL!
it took us about 2-3 weeks to get these finished  

Writing Purpose

Walt: Decide on our purpose for writing

My Purpose for Writing is to Entertain my Audience 


Planning- Batman orders a coffee but its to cold and a donut which is too hot and he becomes sad Batman 
Enters dunkin,
Orders coffee,
Turn looks for a seat,
Sit down,
To hot,
To cold,
Just right.

(Enters Shop)
After a long day from beating up the naughty Joker, Batman felt sad, he hadn’t eaten a donut since his parents died. 

(Orders coffee and donut)
So he went and got one but after he ordered his donuts, he felt very sad because his coffee was cold and his donuts felt like they had just been vomited out by a lord all mighty volcano, so he went back up to the counter to ask for a new coffee or a refund because it was cold and he hoped that his scorching hot donut would cool down while he ordered and waited for his coffee.

Batman waits… and he waits but nobody comes to give him his coffee, sooooo…. He reaches over the counter ands gets a full refund of his coffee and the donut, after batman commits a petty theft he leaves and goes to captain donut.

While at captain donut he’s notices that there only one table that isn't covered in grime, so he went and sat down at the table while he thought about what he’d eat, he decided to just get a normal donut and latte so he went up And ordered his food and went to sit down once he got it.

After he sat down and had a sip of his coffee his tongue felt like it was on fire, and when he grabbed his donut it was really soggy so he didn’t eat it and left the shop with the coffee hoping it would cool down by the time he gets to Dunkin’ donuts.

When he arrives at dunkin donuts he notices it’s in much better condition than the other places it’s clean and has people in the store so batman goes in and orders the same thing as before, coffee and a donut and when he sits down to drink the coffee it’s not too hot and not too cold it’s just right and when he eats the donut it’s not soggy and not extremely hot like it was just made it was the perfect donut! He wastes no time eating the donut, after he’s done eating he heads back to his batmobile and heads back to the bat cave and goes to sleep even though bats are nocturnal. 

Monday, July 1, 2019

Learning Rugby League

Walt: Revise and Create a Quality Blog Post about League

About every week on a Wednesday Totara Class have been going to League, League is where we are taught how to pass a ball correctly and other stuff, we were taught the rules and who does what.

What we did while training
We would practice how to throw the ball backwards while running, and once we practised throwing the ball while other people ran and did the same thing. we couldn't drop the ball or else we would have to do it again and we couldn't throw the ball forwards either so if someone did drop the ball and we didn't have to do it again the person who was going to get the ball next would just have to wait, some people (cough me) would just pretend to keep running.

Any questions?

Even after the Training I'm still not the best at playing league, if you have any tips on who does what? like what station does what.

Thursday, June 13, 2019

The BEST Quality Blog

WALT: Create a Quality Blog,

Today we made quality blog posters with Donna Yates using google drawings, and as you can see in my BEAUTIFUL MASTERPIECE I have used 2/4 colours as my primary colours those are Green and Dark Green.

I showed my friends my MASTERPIECE and one of them had the audacity to COPY ME! like a meany by adding Shrek to his, but i was fine with it,

 Next time I'll try fit more things into it because i didn't get as many things as i would like into it. mainly due to Shrek being there.

Here are some questions I have for you,

-What can I improve on?
-What did I miss out?
-What Should I include next time?
-What should I delete from this poster?

Thursday, May 30, 2019


We are learning to make an animation on google slides, I made this with the help of my friends and Donna Yates (she is the Facilitator for Manaiakalani) and the animation is meant to teach us how to use google slides and make easy animations, hope you enjoy/enjoyed my BEAUTIFUL and AWESOME animation!!!